Sunday, June 29, 2008

Traci and I were talking about cartoons . . .

and she expressed how frustrating it was to her that Wiley Coyote never caught the Roadrunner. I found that odd. I had never considered that to be a desirable outcome. I always saw Wiley as a villain who got what he deserved. I identified with the Roadrunner. I considered him the protagonist. Was I wrong?

This theme occurs again and again in kids cartoons, Yosemite Sam and Bugs Bunny (although here Traci likes Bugs), Sylvester and Tweety Bird, Tom and Jerry, etc. I can see how if you identify with the predator, Sylvester, Yosemite, etc. you would find these cartoons unbearable.

I have added a poll to my blog. If you remember Loony Toons or any cartoon where this structure is set up, vote for who you rooted for on the right. I am curious to see whether there are many other folks who feel the way my wife does.

1 comment:

Jen - The Human Mountain Goat of the Wild West said...

The voting thing doesn't work for me. Every time I try to vote it shows an error. So I guess I'll have to do this out in the open. I voted for 'prey' but hear me out. I was explicitly thinking of the French cat vs. Pepé Le Pew. The whole chasing scenario reminds me of the days when I was chased around the playground in elementary school. It was very unpleasant so I sympathize with the cat. Now, when you add the unpleasant emotion with skunk stink (regardless of the charming Maurice Chevalier accent) it makes for a terrifying 10 minutes of cartoon mayhem. Plus, the French cat reminds me of my pug Boo (mother of Riley Crockett). However, I do enjoy Elmer Fudd (how can you not love this adorable bald man with a lisp and lots of hunting outfits) and Yosemite Sam (cute little bugger with guns and ammo out the wazoo). I never wanted them to do away with Bugs Bunny so I still have to go with 'prey'. It's sad though... looking at my answer in retrospect it looks like I have a thing for fat, bald men with guns. I just can't get enough of them!

P.S. How come you didn't add the amazing Itchy and Scratchy duo to the options? And come to think of it... the classic children's story Doggy Poo vs. The Clump of Dirt.