Tuesday, June 17, 2008

This picture of Jesus from a coloring book is one of the top stories on digg.com today. Traci has had it on her blog now for a couple weeks. The thing about it is, it gets funnier and funnier to me. Each time I think about it, I enjoy it more.

"Even though we know dinosaurs survived the flood." Eh, bon?!? Oh, yeah, that's right, we know that. It's confirmed. Moving on.

Being sure about the dinosaurs surviving the flood, well that's one thing. But, we cannot be sure whether Jesus rode them or not. Because, well, it's not in the Bible, so we can't be sure. We are obligated to admit this, we aren't sure.

"However, he probably did!" Lets be rational about this. First, Jesus is awesome! Now, what would an awesome person do? Well, I don't know about you, but riding a dinosaur is about the most awesome thing I can think that an awesome person would do, ergo, Jesus probably did! It follows a clear logical path, when you reason it out.

Good times.


Mucky-Muck Maren said...

Not only did Jesus ride the Dinosaurs but he also conquered them. That is a feat among itself.

Jen - The Human Mountain Goat of the Wild West said...

Yeah... and not only did Jesus ride and conquer Dinosaurs they were also His pets. Take a look see at this:


Which proves Jake was wrong when he said pets are nothing but a nuisance.