A shot out our window
This place is called "Partymania." If you zoom in you will see that they offer an incredible variety of things, "Hats Banners Cards Balloons Lights Poppers - Table Bombs Make-Up Candles Fancy Dress Hire (new line) Boas Wigs Toys Gift Wrap Ribbons Pinatas Masks Disguises Etc. Etc. Helium Decorations"
Main Entryway
Lovely Bathroom
This room is not as nice as it looks 
It's Sunday night. We are leaving England tomorrow morning and we can't wait. It's been too long away from home. We have been able to stay with some friends in the program, so we didn't have to get a hostel. The state of this place re-iterates what a great job Bryan did in finding us the place that we stayed in.
In fairness, it's much closer to school and it cost them a little less. However, I am very happy with the place that we lived in. I spoke with our landlord a little about this. He is an Indian-Brit and a physician (general practitioner). He is a very nice and intelligent man. I really have enjoyed talking with him the few times that I had the chance. I told him that of all the students in our program, we had the best accomodations. He said, "Our American cousins have come to expect high standards, and that is what we give them."
Finals went as expected. They were reasonable and since we are recieving pass/fail instead of a letter grade, we didn't have to strain ourselves studying. The professors and the students here have been very fun to get to know. It has been a great experience.
We watched the finale of big brother, Eugene did not win, however, he came in second and it was a close match. I was proud of Britain for that. He did, however, win just as much as did Anthony, demonstrating that, sometimes, nice guys don't finish last. They finish second.
It has been a great trip, but I miss my wife and I am happy to return home.