Friday, July 21, 2006

Traci has been doing some work on the house lately. I thought I would take a picture to compare to the original taken almost a year ago. Here it is now,

She removed the stumps from the front and planted grass. She planted some plants and flowers around the front and around the trees. She added wood chips in these places and removed the border around the small pine tree on the left. It looks a lot better, that may or may not come out in the pictures. Our vine is going crazy, there are whole colonies of insects thriving there on our front porch. Heres what it used to look like.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Two-faced kitten!

This just in, a kitten born with two faces. Poor little guy, probably won't make it. Check out the video. That kid rules!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Mosquito Ringtone

I came across the story of the mosquito ring tone a few weeks ago. It turns out that as one ages, he loses his ability to hear high pitched tones. As such, kids and teenagers can hear tone that are above 17,000hz while folks over 25 or 30 can't hear these same tones.

This was originally exploited by a British company to deter loitering teenagers. The ring was played via loudspeaker outside of shops. The adults couldn't hear anything, but teenagers found it annoying.

So, kids decided to turn the tables and are using this high pitched tone as a cell phone ringtone. Pretty clever, eh. I have put a little website together in order to test yourself in order to see how high you can hear.

I thought I might add some more links to my list of favs.

The first one is an online cartoon site made by a guy named James Farr. It's called Xombie The Animated Series, and it's about a Xombie with a soul. He's now done 7 episodes and about 1 million people see each one. Check it out.Xombie

The second is perhaps my favorite website. It hasn't been as clever during the last few months. Still, it's about the funniest online cartoon website. It takes a while to warm up to, but once you appreciate the context and relationships between the characters, it's really enjoyable. Look for the "sb emails" link at the bottom of the page, this is the best stuff.HomeStarRunner